Oct 24, 2020 | Blog
One of the many great things about effective rain harvesting is that it results in giving you an abundance of clean rainwater. This can be used around your property and home. However, it may pose problems if you happen to have pests, either large or small, in the...
Oct 23, 2020 | Blog
Following the tragic Victorian “Black Saturday” bushfires during 2009, the Australian Standard for the way buildings should be constructed had been upgraded, especially in areas that are prone to bushfires. These new rules were introduced in the AS3959-2009, which...
Oct 22, 2020 | Blog
The Australian government and the firefighters alike, in response to the dangers posed by the Bushfires to the life and the infrastructure, propose various approaches to improve the capability of one’s home in confronting the issue. The steps pronounced by the...
Oct 22, 2020 | Blog
Living in Australia’s wild profile can often make your house vulnerable to the health hazards created by unpleasant animal presence in warm spots. The roofs and gutter spaces conveniently fit the definition of warm places, which can lead to serious health concerns. It...
Oct 21, 2020 | Blog
Considering the percentage of deaths caused by falling off of roofs and ladders, it comes as no surprise that the Australian media heavily emphasizes the safety risks involved in working on them. Not only that, but non-fatal accidents also cost a heavy price – both...